Semiconductor production equipment and materials
Semiconductors are the most important products in the modern world, supporting various industries and people's lives.
We provide a variety of materials and equipment related to semiconductor production.
Silica sand and
alumina polishing powder
Provides silica sand for use in the fiberglass and semiconductor industries, as well as silica sand as raw material for construction glass.
Cleaning agents play an important role in the wafer manufacturing process. We provide products that meet various customer needs, such as excellent cleaning and re-adhesion prevention for dicing, grinding, and slurry, or maintaining the hydrophilicity of the wafer surface.
Semiconductor measurement equipment
Non-contact shape measurement system using displacement/thickness measurement sensors suitable for the sample to be measured.
Equipped with easy-to-use functions and a simple user interface, the high-precision platform manufacturer's unique high reliability and reliability control technology enables a variety of measurements.
Cleaning agents play an important role in the wafer manufacturing process. We provide products that meet various customer needs, such as excellent cleaning and re-adhesion prevention for dicing, grinding, and slurry, or maintaining the hydrophilicity of the wafer surface.
Liquid wax for wafer fixation
Liquid wax is a water-based adhesive. The resin component of the liquid wax is a specially modified rosin ester system designed to exhibit stability and high adhesion. Suitable for producing high-precision wafers with high flatness bonding.